Many Vodafone customers have said the constant call dropouts and reception issues have meant they have been unable to properly operate their businesses. Others have said they have been unable to call family after being involved in an accident. The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) recently chastised the telco for failing to inform customers of its issues and Vodafone CEO Nigel Dews published an apology on Vodafone’s website. On the prospect of a class action, Dews said in a statement that the most important thing the telco could do was to focus on improving its network and customer experience. Despite the immense issues faced by its existing customers, Vodafone continues to spend millions on advertising for new customers, including as a primary sponsor of the cricket.

I have been a customer of Vodefone for 9 years and this has to be the worse experience
Of bad or no reception’ poor wifi and down loaded I’ve ever encountered. I am upset, because I thought it was only me, now I’ve seen this report I’ve realized I’m not the only one. I pay $113 a month for bad reception my husband works in an underground mine and I need my phone to ring with out fail. I have never had full bars on my phone. My family try to reach me and I don’t receive my calls. I would like to finish my contract without the payout. Regards
Ever since I have came down to Canberra service has been outright pathetic. I get messages 1 to 4 days late, work and friends tries to call me and they say my phone is switched off ( which it never is ) I have been with Vodafone for over 8 years and every year it seems to be getting worse. I mean the service in Sydney wasn’t all that crash hot either, but down here in Canberra it is shocking. One other thing is that when I have a problem with Vodafone I do not like talking to someone in INDIA!!!! If i loose anymore clients I will not be happy.
I’m not a great believer in paying $100’s of dollars for shit recepition, Vodafone owes me money!