Drafting appropriate website terms and conditions can be difficult. They need to be customized to your particular business situation and have regard for the exact regulatory environment which your business operates in and the particular legal status of the relationships which you have with customers. If you sell products directly online you will have a very different set of disclaimers and terms and conditions to what you will have if you provide services online or if your website is simply a system for generating leads and marketing rather than actually making sales or providing a product or service.
However, because of the increasingly online nature of almost all commerce in the modern world, it is essential that you are legally protected when you are working online so that you do not expose yourself to criticism, complaint, perhaps negative publicity and even law suits as a result of the complaints which you get because you do not have an effective set of terms and conditions in operation on your website. Also, to have a set of website terms and conditions professional drafted by a lawyer could literally cost tens of thousands of dollars. If you use an appropriate template, the cost of this could be cut significantly if you can give your lawyer something to work with so that they do not have to start from scratch. Many businesses also continuously update their website terms and conditions in order to ensure that they are continually compliant with the legislation in their industry and that the government regulators which investigate and punish those who do not comply will not come knocking at their door and demand to inspect their business operations. For all of these reasons, have good website terms and conditions is an essential tool in your business.
To obtain appropriate website terms and conditions for your business, we have a number of templates available here: