A Trademark License Agreement can be useful if you are the owner of Trademark and you wish to enter into an arrangement with a commercial partner to
This is a comprehensive document for a person or company wanting to licence a trade mark for manufacture and sale of goods or services.
Application and features
Suitable for sale of goods or adaptable for services;
Suitable when either party is resident outside Australia;
Comprehensive provisions provide ideas for you to mould;
Real law in plain English.
Rights and responsibilities of the licensee;
Detailed definition of the territory in which the trade mark can be used;
Term or duration for which it can be used;
The quality of products to be marketed using the trade mark;
Sales and royalties;
Termination provisions;
The specific products used in relation to the trade mark;
And other usual legal provisions in plain English.
If you would like to purchase a Trademark License Agreement, simply click here: