Having a whistle blower policy and whistleblower lawyer are essential elements to ensuring that you can effectively protect your organisation from the problems, which can occur as a result of not protecting whistle blowers or having whistle blowers release information in an uncontrolled way. There are a number of laws which protect employees who ‘blow the whistle’ in relation to matters such as occupation health and safety, the criminal law, some workplace relations matters in relation to discrimination at work and the other elements of the legal aspects of workplace rights. Usually, the intention of the laws on making of disclosures concerning workplace activities is to protect employees who profess from being subject to any detrimental or unfair treatment as a result.
This comprehensive policy sets out the terms on which your policy encourages staff to speak up, ensuring their views are listened to. If implemented inline with the explanatory notes, a whistleblowing policy can also prove useful as a risk management strategy – that is, a way to spot potential pitfalls before they happen.
We have devised a policy which aids compliance with your obligations under employment legislation a basis for workplace ethics and guidance within relevant legislation that ensures that all employees know the steps they must take if they encounter malpractice. The document is addressed to your staff, so that compliance really happens.
Application and features of this document
Covers a wide range of issues from criminal offences to the protection of the environment, endangerment of health & safety of any individual and deliberate concealment;
Doubles as a whistleblowing policy to prevent malpractice by staff and also as a risk management policy in that it could help to prevent larger scale mischief from happening;
Provides both you and your employees with an easy reference as to raising concerns in the workplace;
Document and explanatory notes in plain English.
Company statement;
Explanation of whistleblowing;
Named people responsible for implementing the policy;
Application to whom;
When to use the policy;
Who to report to;
Actions to be taken when making a disclosure;
Investigation of disclosure;
Protection and support for whistleblowers;
Corrective action and compliance;
Monitoring and review of policy.