If you are looking at separating from your partner it can be complicated and confusing time. You may need a Separation Agreement to give you some clarity and understanding to your rights and obligations in relation to you partner and what you can expect from them going forward. Depending on if you are a defacto or if you are getting a divorce having been separated it can be extremely important to ensure that you can secure your right in relation to the events which occur after the separation. Although many people believe that their partner is likely to be honest and forthright in relation to their affairs after the separation and often this is the case, for many, it is not as simple as this and people can change to become something that you had no way of expecting before the separation. For this reason it is important to ensure that you have legal representation and advice about the documentation which you need, which will include a separation agreement, in the event of a life changing event like a separation.
The two major issues which generally dominate a separation include the division of the property, assets and in many cases, income of the the marriage and the custody of the children. If you need assistance with the visitation agreement, you may consult a visitation lawyer. Unless you take the time to get a good understanding of what you are entitled to, you will risk being taken advantage of by your former partner or their aggressive legal representation who will fight for every dollar and every privilege coming from the separation against you. Although not all lawyers take this approach, unless you have a lawyer who can assist you to protect your interests, it is very likely that you will miss important details in relation to your rights and entitlements. If you would like to obtain a separation agreement, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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