Are you doing business? Every type of business needs legal advice and in some cases representation at some point. Some of the most basic concepts in business like a contract, a company, the license to operate and so on involve an understanding of the law and the social context in which your business operates. Aside from this, a business may also need marketing tactics such as business cards.
If you need help drafting a contract, advice about what to do when someone breaches a contract, if you are setting up a new company or you are closing down an old one you will often need legal advice or information to ensure that your position is adequately protected. In the contemporary business world in Australia, due to the preponderance of regulation, compliance advice is also somewhere that we can add a great deal of value to your business.
Competition and Consumer law affects how your business operates, when you must give refunds, what standards your products and services must be at and other important elements of your business. Depending on the industry in which you operate, you may need advice about financial services regulation, insurance regulation or health care services and product regulation. Vibrant, diverse business communities in New Jersey only work with the best lawyers.
If you have invested in a company, you may need advice about a shareholder’s agreement or the conduct of others in operation of a company. You may need know what your rights as an investor are. Superannuation funds are also subject to a range of regulations which it may be necessary for you to understand in order for your business to operate within the bounds of the law. In some situations, exploring voluntary company liquidation could be a strategic option to navigate challenges and protect your interests, especially if other avenues prove ineffective.
Whatever the commercial issue is that is affecting your business, we can provide advice which gives you certainty and knowledge about your position and enables to go on with your business with confidence that you are not in breach of the law. In addition, if anyone is trying to infiltrate your business data, you can call upon services like the Virtual Cloud Backup & Recovery.
Feel free to contact our expert lawyers about any type of question that you have about commercial law.